Guerilla Marketing
Low-Cost advertising that gets press & social mentions
Low-Cost advertising that gets press & social mentions
What’s guerilla marketing you ask? It’s the low-cost, unconventional marketing strategy that yields maximum results! The name is inspired by guerilla warfare, that entirely unconventional tactics and strategies employed by armed civilians and militias – surprise, ambush, sabotage and raids. Just like guerilla warfare, guerilla marketing applies these tactics to the marketing industry and with the same explosive results.
Guerilla marketing is really about taking the customer by surprise. Research has shown that the right campaign can leave a far more valuable impression with customers than traditional advertising (print, TV, digital etc). This is because most guerilla marketing campaigns aim to reach the customer at a personal level, and take place in their area of operation – like in the streets they walk to work or hang out at.
This alternative advertising style relies heavily on unconventional marketing strategy, high energy and imagination. Guerilla Marketing is about taking the consumer by surprise, make an indelible impression and create copious amounts of social buzz. Guerilla marketing is said to make a far more valuable impression with consumers in comparison to more traditional forms of advertising and marketing. This is due to the fact that most guerilla marketing campaigns aim to strike the consumer at a more personal and memorable level.
The classic, trusted guerilla marketing campaign involves wild-posting posters. They are the wheat-paste large format posters you often see posted repetitively along barricades, fences and walls around the city. Lines and lines of the same poster create a huge branding affect. These posters are often applied illegally in places with maximum attention hoping to get the customers eyes before they are taken down. There are plenty of ways to run perfectly legal guerilla marketing campaigns, talk to one of our team to discover our printing products made perfectly for this marketing medium.
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